Counselor's Corner
What is the job of a school counselor?
A school counselor works to provide services for students to address three areas as specified by the National Standards for Students. The three areas are the academic domain, the career development domain, and the personal-social domain. School counselors work to provide services for all students through individual counseling, small groups, guidance classes, and school-wide programs.
How can I make a referral for my child’s school counselor?
Referrals for the school counselor can be made by the individual students, teachers, or parents. Referrals can be made by phone or email. Any student, teacher, or parent may make a referral to the counselor.
How can I make a referral for my child to receive School Based Mental Health Counseling?
The school counselor can refer you child for School Based Mental Health Therapy upon request of the parent or guardian. Once the referral has been placed the SBMH facility will contact the family to begin the intake process. Southside School District has a contract with NextStep Counseling Services. Therefore, these counselors are the only staff allowed to see clients on our campus.
Other Counselor duties include:
Coordinating, receiving, distributing, and collecting all testing material; program arrangements; insurance of report cards and grades; working with referral agencies; observations of students in classroom settings; attending counseling training workshops; and other duties as assigned.
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Center for Effective Parenting