GT Program
Identification (7.0) of students for the Southside GT Program
• Stages of the process
The placement process at Southside School is as follows: Long term data collecting begins in kindergarten (and continues through 12th grade) and formal identification of gifted students begins in the spring of 3rd grade. Nominations are sought from a variety of sources such as teachers, parent/guardians, community members, peers, and self nominations. Nominations are solicited from 3rd grade and up and sought throughout the school year. Teachers at all campuses receive a nomination form (which includes characteristics) in their mailboxes or will receive it through an email with a notice that nominations are being sought. A notice is placed in the local newspaper as well as being on the school website to make the opportunity known to parents and community. Placement decisions for services are made by a committee of at least 5 professional educators (administrators, teachers and/or counselors)chaired by a GT trained specialist.
• List of instruments
ACT Aspire
Reasoning Test
Creativity Test
Parent Questionnaire and Permission Form
Teacher Recommendation
Self, Peer, Parent or Community Member Recommendation
Teacher Rating Scales
There is a process for teachers to advocate for a student to be placed.
There is an Appeals Process.
The screening process is blind.
Any questions concerning the program should be directed to Mrs. J. Henley at this email address: