Southside Junior High School Frequently Asked Questions  

Summary - We currently have 425 students enrolled in grades 7 - 9. There are 31 certified faculty members.

What does a regular academic day look like?

  • We run a modified block schedule:

    • Mondays and Wednesdays: 90 minutes blocks for 2nd, 4th, 6th; 45 minutes for 1st and 8th; 30 minutes for advisory.

    • Tuesdays and Thursdays: 90 minute blocks for 3rd, 5th, 7th; 45 minutes for 1st and 8th; 30 minutes for advisory.

    • Fridays: 45 minutes for 1st through 8th (all periods; no advisory)

When does school start and end?

  • School starts at 7:50 a.m. and ends at 3:15 p.m.  Students can be dropped off as early as 7:20 a.m. and go straight to the cafeteria until they are released to go to first period.

What is the homework expectation?

  • Homework can be a vital part of a student's education when used properly.  All homework that we assign will have a specific purpose and will not be new material that the student should struggle with. 

What is Advisory?

  • Advisory is geared for RTI. Students will be with an advisory teacher to help support them academically. Teachers will also help students if they are struggling with completing classwork. For qualifying students, we will be implementing High Impact Tutoring for both math and reading.

What sports are offered?

  • Basketball, football, archery, volleyball, baseball, softball, cheer, dance, band, choir, track, cross country, wrestling, trap.

  • 9th grade only: soccer, bowling, golf, tennis

Are there times after school that my child will be required to attend if they play sports?

  • Yes, each sport is competitive.  All sports compete outside of the school day and that will be determined/communicated by each coach.

Do you have clubs?

  • Yes, for example, we have Junior Beta, Book Club, Christian Club, and Student Council. 

Do you have GT?

  • Yes, our gifted and talented program meets with our GT specialist.

What do you offer if my child is struggling in one or more classes?

  • We offer free, after school tutoring two days a week from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. Transportation is not provided.

  • Advisory time is also structured to help students.

What curriculum resources do the teachers use consistently?

  • ELA: MyPerspectives and IXL

  • Math: Reveal Mathematics and ALEKS

  • Science: Arkansas AIMS and IXL

  • Social Studies: McGraw Hill

How will I communicate with my child’s teacher on a regular basis?

  • Email: All teachers’ emails are

  • Each teacher has Remind that they will use regularly for updates and communication about their class. Make sure you sign up for each of your child’s teachers.

  • Junior High Remind: Keep up to date on what is happening at the junior high campus.

I do not live in the Southside School District, what can I do about getting my child on a bus?

  • Over one-third of our students do not live in our district.  We have several buses that travel outside of our district.  You can call any school office and give your address to the secretary, a school official will check your address, and call you back with the possibility of a bus coming to that address or a nearby pick-up spot.  

How much time is spent online?

  • This varies, but there are many online programs that teachers consistently utilize.  We are one-to-one with iPads or chromebooks depending on your child’s grade, and it is important for your child to bring his/her device charged every single day. In saying that, we also understand the importance of paper/pencil, and we implement that as well.

What support services are offered?

  • Qualifying students receive special education services provided by a veteran, well trained staff.  

  • Qualifying students are provided with mental health counselors that see them at school during the regular school day.

  • We have a nurse and school counselor that are stationed on campus and are exclusively used by junior high students.

  • We have an ESOL staff to provide support to qualifying students.

Is your school safe?

  • We have a secure building and a resource office on campus at all times.

How do I check my child out?

  • You must enter the front office of the junior high to sign your child out. If our secretary doesn’t recognize you, you will have to show your ID. Once you sign your child out, our secretary will call them to the office for you.

How does the car rider line work?

  • Car rider pick up and drop off is located at the back of the junior high in the parking lot next to the baseball field. Turn in the first driveway, drop off/pick up at the back of the building, circle around, and exit the second driveway. Students will enter the back of the building at the double doors.

How does my child get on the bus?

  • Bus riders will load and unload at the front of the junior high building. If your child needs to ride a different bus, you must call our office and speak with our secretary before 2:00 p.m. Your child will get a bus note and this is the only way they will be permitted on a different bus.

What if my child misses the bus?

  • A parent or guardian will be contacted to come pick them up.

How do I get notified for school closings or if there is an emergency?

  • We use the School Messenger System that is a one call system that calls the phone numbers you provide to the school. We will also send announcements through Remind and Facebook.

Can I visit my child while they are at school?

  • We limit visitors for the safety of all students. If you would like to meet with a teacher or principal, you can arrange that by calling the office ahead of time to schedule.

What if I have a question that is not listed here?

  • Please feel free to call the school office. Our phone number is 870-251-4003.  

  • Principal’s email

  • Assistant Principal’s email

  • Counselor’s email