Mock Interviews will be March 30th this year! We look forward to the experience it gives to our students.

Southerner Spotlight

Southside Shoutout

Southerner Spotlight

Mock Interviews will be March 30th this year! We look forward to the experience it gives to our students.

Thankful for the support of these wonderful partners!

Southerner Spotlight

The school board approved the alternate calendar at the regularly scheduled board meeting Monday night. The 2022-2023 school year will begin on August 18th and end on May 12th.

Members of the bowling and wrestling teams were recognized at the board meeting for their accomplishments this year. Congratulations to these students for all of their hard work!

Southside Shoutout

Southerner Spotlight

Athletic Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, Southside School District will release student drivers at 2:00 p.m. today. All other dismissals will follow at 2:30.

Registration is open for this fun color run right here on campus!
Follow the link to sign up to run/walk/donate to this worthy cause! https://runsignup.com/Race/AR/Batesville/MentalHealthAwareness5KColorRun?fbclid=IwAR3H44Dlvk4FwJYcodbs77XYah6AW-OOlnkuFQS2Gik0Es82sf939GuqenE&remMeAttempt=

Mock Interviews will be March 30th this year! We look forward to the experience it gives to our students.

Southerner Spotlight

A group of High School students have been working to bring to light the importance of Mental Health Awareness to the school and the community. They began by forming a club at school, which has since become the first chapter of the Bring Change To Mind Club in Arkansas. Students have researched and found several tools and resources that will aid others who may struggle with mental health issues. A committee has presented their ideas to several businesses in the community to help generate funds to provide some of these resources. Along with traditional resources, the students are excited to bring to fruition their plan to adopt a therapy dog for the High School! The hypoallergenic dog has been donated by a generous Southside family, but funding has been secured from generous sponsors to send the dog for the appropriate training, vet fees, and any other expenses that will incur. We look forward to this wonderful opportunity for our students!

Southside Shoutout

Southerner Spotlight

Southside Senior, Ben Paxson, placed 5th in the state for overall high school boys with a score of 282/300! He received a trophy and a $500 scholarship! Ben will advance to the US Eastern Nationals held in Louisville, KY.
While our teams did not place top 10 at state, we are thankful that all 3 of Southside's Archery teams were able to compete with the best from Arkansas!